Tax Court Attorney
While many tax lawyers in Texas may have knowledge of tax laws, it is crucial in a dispute that your lawyer has a deep understanding of the rules and procedures that the IRS follows in resolving tax disputes. Tax controversies that cannot be resolved at the audit or appeals level may need to be taken to trial. David Coffin, J.D., CPA, based in Southlake, has more than 20 years of experience in federal tax litigation and devotes his entire practice to helping Texas taxpayers resolve disputes with the IRS.
Understanding The Options In IRS Tax Litigation
Tax disputes that cannot be resolved in the audit and administrative stages of an IRS appeal often wind up in court. IRS tax litigation is complex, and it is crucial that your attorney understands the risks and benefits of pursuing litigation in the proper forum. Generally, tax litigation may be heard in the United States Tax Court, in federal district court, in bankruptcy court or in the Court of Federal Claims.
The Tax Court is a forum created by Congress to allow taxpayers to dispute alleged IRS deficiencies. Cases are presented before Tax Court judges, who generally have a background in tax law. The majority of IRS tax disputes are filed in the Tax Court. The main benefit of the forum is that the taxpayer does not have to prepay the tax prior to filing a lawsuit.
Tax litigation may involve a variety of issues, but frequently involves a dispute concerning the accounting practices used by the IRS in determining the existence of a tax deficiency. The Tax Court may also review determinations of the IRS as a part of a collection due process hearing or address innocent spouse relief cases.
Attorney David Coffin is a trial-proven tax lawyer and certified public accountant who will apply his deep understanding of financial matters and extensive experience in tax litigation to fully analyze your individual situation. He is highly experienced in effectively helping taxpayers challenge the IRS in the tax court. He will provide you with straightforward advice on your options in challenging the IRS.
Turn To A Trusted Tax Court Attorney For Effective Guidance In Resolving IRS Disputes
Lawyer David Coffin is a former IRS lawyer who is well-respected for his effective representation of Texas taxpayers in IRS controversies and litigation. To arrange a free initial consultation with an experienced tax lawyer, fill out the online contact form, or call 817-756-1792.